
Here is a list of the talks that I have given on various meetups and conferences:


No Touchy! A Case Study of Software Architecture with Immutable Objects
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A talk at CppCon 2020 about a the immutable object design at ViewRay.

The Life of a CPU Instruction
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A fun talk at code::dive 2019 about modern CPU architecture from the point of view of an instruction.

Embrace Modern Technology: Using HTML 5 for GUI in C++
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A talk at CppCon 2019 about using HTML 5 as a GUI framework for C++ applications.

Object-Oriented Programming in Modern C++
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A talk at CoreHard 2019 about object-oriented programming in modern C++. An improved version of the Bringing Business Logic Back to C++ talk.

Bringing Business Logic Back to C++
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A talk at code::dive 2018 about object-oriented programming in modern C++.

CPU-Friendly Code
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A talk at code::dive 2018 about writing code while keeping in mind the hardware which executes it.

DynaMix: A New Take on Polymorphism
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A talk at CppCon 2018 about DynaMix. A yet more improved version of the talk in Russia and China

The Bad Big Wolf Meets Riding Hood Little Red
A 5 minute comedy lightning talk at CppCon 2018.

DynaMix: A New Take on Polymorphism
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A talk at C++ Russia 2018 about DynaMix. An improved version of the talk from 2017 in China.

DynaMix: A New Take on Polymorphism

A talk at C++ and System Software Summit - China 2017 about DynaMix.

A 3 minute standup comedy piece given as a lightning talk at OpenFest 2017. (First 5 seconds are in Bulgarian)


CPU-Friendly Code
A talk for C++ User Group Meeting Sofia about microoptimizations.

Програмиране за графични ускорители
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A talk for Astea Conference 2018 about GPU programming.

Какво има в един игрови енджин?
A talk for Global Game Jam 2018 Bulgaria about game engines.

Първи стъпки в четенето на асемблерен език
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An introduction to reading disassembly given at OpenFest 2017.

Динамични библиотеки
A talk about shared libraries given at the October 2017 C++ User Group Sofia meeting.

A talk about DynaMix given at the February 2017 C++ User Group Sofia meeting

Emscripten: C++ към JavaScript
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A talk about Emscripten given at OpenFest 2015.

CPU Friendly Code 101
A short talk given at the Sofia Game Dev Meetup on 12 Oct 2015.

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A talk about OpenCL given at OpenFest 2014.

Метапрограмиране с Nimrod
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A talk given with Zahary Karadjov introducing the Nim programming language at Varna Conf 2014.

Разходка през съвременния CPU pipeline
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A talk given at Rogue Conf 2014 about the moden CPU pipeline.

Как работят компютърните игри?
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An intro to game development for beginners. Given at Soft Uni Conf 2014.

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A talk at OpenFest 2013 about DynaMix. Boost.Mixin was the old name of the library.

Разходка през съвременния графичен pipeline
A talk about the GPU pipeline for Game Dev Summit Bulgaria 2012